
HR Management

Integrated HR Management
Human Resources Management at DijitalDev consists of many employee-specific modules. With the tagging method in grievance management modules, all grievances raised by grievance, either by name or anonymously can be traced up to the last point. The survey consists of 3 different modules, and anonymous surveys can be created via Mobile or SMS, and open-ended survey questions can also be reported using the tagging method.

Either 180-degree or 360-degree performance evaluation can be conducted in line with workers’ job descriptions and analyze employee performance and productivity. In addition, Leave and Grievance management modules enable HRs to trace KPIs and its statistics to manage data.



Mobile Survey, Leave, Grievance, Expense Management
A worker requests leave from his/her supervisor from DijitalDev mobile application, and a permission approval or rejection response can be received via the notification. , In addition, with the annual leave tracking on the DijitalDev platform, the remaining leaves and the leaves that have been taken can be easily viewed.


Mobile Apps

Multi Languages

GDPR Compliance

Cloud Platform


Respectful to nature