

Our Experiences, Your Experiences!

DijitalDev Solutions

DijitalDev Platform gives the meaning of data by presenting multiple data together in a single report with integrated solutions.

OSH Management

In the DijitalDev OSH Module; A detailed entry of the Unsafe Situation, Near Misses, and Work Accident/ Incident records that may occur. Follow-up of the process through the REMEDIATION module and the developments are reported by assigning the responsible workers over the RACI model. The OSH Module can be used both on the web and on the mobile application.

Grievance Management

In the module, which works in line with the grievance procedures, workers can send a grievance, either by name or anonymously. Each data generated in the grievance module is tagged separately and recorded in the database. Nonconformities coming from the grievance module or worker representatives are included in the remediation process when necessary. The Grievance Module can be used both on the web and on mobile application.

KPI Management

It is the area where many statistical records are reported such as the worker turnover, the number of personnel working in production, the detection of personnel shortages that may occur in the production, unplanned absenteeism, the number of production days, the number of new hires, and the number of grievance records.

Survey Development & Management

Surveys such as worker satisfaction surveys, worker representative elections, customer satisfaction surveys, and supply chain satisfaction surveys can be created in this module and reported in PDF xlsx format. Interactive instant surveys can be carried out during the training. In addition, in the survey module, where many parameters can be used together, surveys with open-ended questions can be made in general and even without users’ login.

Project Management

DijitalDev project management in Gannt format allows both white and blue-collar workers to easily track projects with an easy-to-use interface. By sending notifications, the process can be completed on time.

Performance evaluation management

Either 180-degree or 360-degree performance evaluation can be conducted in line with workers’ job descriptions. The module enables workers to conduct the self-assessment, and it follows the supervisors’ evaluation. Evaluation can also be provided through the mobile application. Blue Collar or White Collar question sets and scoring can be entered differently.

Meeting Management

Meetings scheduled via DijitalDev can be organized online/offline and required actions can be transferred to the remediation module. Meeting minutes are uploaded into the system.

Supply Chain

Enable a traceable, measurable, supply chain via registration to the DijitalDev Supply chain management module. Suppliers included in the system are categorized as internal and external and defined in the system from assessment to production processes.


Plan and trace all workers’ and supplies’ online and offline training plans along with exam performances following each E-Learning. In E-Learning, you can add as many videos as you want in the system, and nominate the workers who need to get trained on a specific topic. For those who are successful, a certificate of the relevant training is created in PDF format instantly.