
Sales Management

Sales Management!
DijitalDev follows all processes from the offer stage to delivery and even after sales. You can quickly determine the cost analysis, the points that increase the cost, and take precautions. With its user-friendly interface, DijitalDev offers ready-made solutions with its easy and flexible cloud-based infrastructure that does not impose an additional burden on processes.

The most powerful factor in the Production Module is the live monitoring of the processes. Starting from the proposal process, the management of the process is provided on the DigitalDev Production Module, integrated with the product equipment/accessory purchases and supplier management.



Mobile Customer Management
Create to the best offer with mobile applications and notifications, and organize your projects with your best suppliers. You can instantly view the current statistics of DigitalDev Admin elements either on the web, mail or mobile environment. You can follow up the nonconformities that arise as a result of the audits on the platform and send the request to take the necessary measures. If you wish, you can send notifications to all users at the same time with the Notification module.


Mobile Apps

Multi Languages

GDPR Compliance

Cloud Platform


Respectful to nature